Thursday, July 16, 2009

Broken toes, pranks, best friends, and hikes :)

So...last week I was getting ready for work on a regular day and when I was going out of my bedroom, my toe caught on the door frame. Let's just say I heard a crack or pop or something, and it hurt extremely bad. I had to wear flip-flops for the rest of the week and could still barely walk. Here is a picture a few days after the "incident." As many pictures as I took, I still couldn't capture how bad it was. It's a week later now and I still have a bruise, but I'm doing much better!My apartment and another apartment have been playing pranks on each other lately. Well, last week while we were at church, the apartment of boys went into our apartment and played a prank on us. I guess one of them had gotten the code because they stalked me when I opened the door once and watched what code I punched in. Anyway, they weren't at church because of a mission president homecoming, so we didn't expect anything. When we got home from church, this is what we saw in the hall:
We knew something was up, so we hurried and opened the door to run to our bedrooms. This is what Alex and I saw when we opened our door:
It was horrible!!! Twenty-four rolls of toilet paper all over our apartment. It was ripped up into little pieces too! And there was lotion all over the doorhandles. AND obviously there was no warning that they were coming over, so they saw some things on the floor and in open drawers that they should NOT be seeing! Overall we had a great laugh. Well, I guess we got a better laugh because the next day my roommates went over to their apartment and totally got them bad. Shaving cream, toothpaste, fish sauce, and the toilet paper that they used for our apartment. It is all in good fun and I think we are laying low on the pranks for now.
My best friend Xanthe is getting married next week and she came over yesterday to hang out. We went out to eat and then went to the mall to look for a bridesmaid's dress for me. I finally found one and it's pretty cute. Now I need to find some gold shoes to go with it :) It was so fun spending time with her. We went over to my friends' apartment in the ward (the same apartment that we prank with) to play games and talk all night. I'm so grateful for all of my best friends and the way they touch my life :) Now for the hiking part of the post...I will have much more to write later, but for now we'll just have an intro. I am hiking to the top of Mount Timpanogos-TOMORROW!!! I am scared out of my mind. Hiking the Y pretty much does it for me and it's only about 45 minutes. We are starting the hike Saturday around 1:00am. I am the activities co-chair in my ward, so it is a LOT of planning. I printed all of the fliers today and posted them on everyone's doors. I am going to Costco today with the other activities co-chair so we can buy all of the food. I've definitely never done anything this intense before and I'm pretty excited. My roommate, Alex, inspired me when she wrote a list of life-long goals. My list is pretty short because honestly, what I want in my life more than anything in the world is to have a wonderful, righteous husband and family. That is all I will need to be happy. So I have to think really hard about what other goals I can put on the paper. Well, hiking Mt. Timp is one of them. I didn't know I'd be doing it this year, but I'm excited to cross that off my list :) My next post will be all about the hike. I'm sure I'll have positives and negatives (I can already list a negative...I have never in my life gone to the bathroom in the woods and I am NOT looking forward to it). Stay tuned!


  1. Just be sure to take cold weather clothing for timp because you are doing a sunrise hike :) just a tip. its freezing at the top but TOTALLY worth it!

  2. Sounds like a fun fun activity. I hope your foot is okay for the hike! Love you!
