Thursday, January 21, 2010

Is it really necessary?

I went to the doctor today to get my second Hepatitis A/Hepatitis B shot (there are three shots total).  The first shot I got didn't really hurt.  I have the advantage of having pretty big arm muscles, so shots really aren't too bad...until today.  I'm sorry, but does it look like the lateral side of my collarbone is covered with my biceps femoris (thank you anatomy class :) )?  She literally stuck (stabbed!) the needle in the joint that connects my arm to my body.  THEN....proceeded to push the end of the syringe with the PALM of her other hand with lots of pressure.  Is that really necessary? I've never been to nursing school, but I'm pretty sure I could give a better someone's MUSCLE, NOT their bone!  Haha...sorry, I'm overreacting.  The main message of my story is 1.  My nurse today will not be giving me my third shot, and 2.  Maybe nurses should pay a little more attention to where they are injecting sharp, metal objects.


  1. wow...that was a really bad shot. Sorry you had to go through that, girl! Some nurses are really good and some are really bad :(
